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Pay telecommunications recharges - Payments Processing - Mercado Pago Developers

Pay telecommunications recharges

To perform an intention to pay telecommunications recharges, it is necessary to have previously loaded money in the POS and conducted a search of the necessary parameters for multiservices . You will need to send CompanyRecharge, CompanyNameRecharge, AmountRecharge y NumberRecharge parameters, obtained from the response to the multiservices parameters query.

To pay telecommunications recharges, follow the steps below.

  1. Add the following intent-filter (Activity) to the AndroidManifest.xml file of your project:


    <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" /> 
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> 
    <data android:mimeType="text/*" /> 
If you have already created a payment intention, you have already incorporated this intent-filter, and you can skip this step.
  1. Implement the "sendRecarga" intention, replacing the parameters nombre_servicio and id_servicio with those obtained when conducting a search of parameters for multiservices.


private void sendRecarga(String nombre_servicio, String id_servicio, String id_cliente, String  monto) { 
    Intent recargaIntent = new Intent("enviaRecarga"); 
    recargaIntent.setClassName("redelcom.cl.rdcpass", "redelcom.cl.rdcpass.MainActivity"); 
    recargaIntent.putExtra("packageName", context.getPackageName()); 
    recargaIntent.putExtra("className", getClass().toString().split(" ")[1]); 
    recargaIntent.putExtra("NumberRecharge", id_cliente); 
    recargaIntent.putExtra("AmountRecharge", monto); 
    recargaIntent.putExtra("CompanyRecharge", id_servicio); 
    recargaIntent.putExtra("CompanyNameRecharge", nombre_servicio); 

In addition, you will need to identify the customer who will receive the recharge and the amount. To do this, you can follow the instructions for each field outlined below:

CompanyRechargeIdentifier of the company with which the top-up is to be made. Should be sent in String format.
CompanyNameRechargeName of the company with which the top-up is to be made. Should be sent in String format.
AmountRechargeAmount to be topped up. Should be sent in String format without special characters (for example, if the amount is $1,000, you should send "1000").
NumberRechargeCustomer's phone number, which will serve as their identification. Should be sent in String format.

As a result, a dialog box will open in RDCPass. Once the processing and voucher printing are completed, you will be returned to the integrated application.