Configure your credentials
You can generate payment requests on Redelcom terminals using our API.
To start integrating via API, you should have the credentials that were provided to you by email when you requested the device. These credentials will help you generate the token required to operate with Redelcom via API.
Your Redelcom credentials consist of:
Type | Description |
clientId | It is a unique numerical identifier of the client in the Redelcom system. |
Secret | It is the password associated with the client within the Redelcom system. |
Once you have your unique credentials, you need to perform encryption, which will allow you to obtain the token required to operate with our API. Below, we provide a Postman pre-script to show you how to do it:
// get path with query params
const path = pm.request.url.getPath().replace("/redelcom","");
let queryParam;
let httpPath = path;
if (pm.request.url.query != "") {
pm.request.url.query.all().forEach((param) => queryParam = param.key + "=" + param.value);
httpPath += "?" + queryParam;
console.log("httpPath: " + httpPath);
// execute algorithm
const SECRET_KEY = pm.collectionVariables.get("secret");
const body = pm.request.body
const message = httpPath + "," + body;
console.log("message: " + message);
const token = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(message, SECRET_KEY));
console.log("token: " + token);
pm.environment.set("X-Authentication", pm.collectionVariables.get("clientId") + ";" + token);
Once you've performed the encryption, you will get your token, named X-Authentication
. This token should be used in the headers of API requests.