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Get terminal - Payments processing - Mercado Pago Developers

Get Terminal

Before creating payment intentions, you need to query the id of the device. This query aims to obtain the terminal code of a device based on its serial number, identified in the call as terminalCode, which you can find on the back of each device.

To query the id of a device, make an API call using the GET method to {https://api-dev.redelcom.cl:20010/v2}/terminal?serialNumber={terminalCode}, replacing X-Authentication, clientId, and secret with your credentials, and terminalCode with the number located on the back of the specific device:


curl -X GET \
'https://api-dev.redelcom.cl:20010/v2/terminal?serialNumber={terminalCode}' \
--header 'X-Authentication: clientId;secret'

The response to this request will return the terminal field with the numerical value associated with the unique and unchanging id of the device.


   "terminal": "3127"
Once you have obtained the terminal id, you should save it for use in every API request you make. There's no need to query it again since it is a unique and unchanging code associated with each device.If the serial number is not registered in the system, doesn't belong to the requesting user, or if the encryption is done incorrectly, the response will return a 401 authentication error.