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Change button texts - User interface - Mercado Pago Developers

Change button texts


The payment button is composed of the button and the value proposition (valueProp), which can be customized according to the options provided by Mercado Pago.

There are two themes available: the default (also used when no configuration is specified) and dark. Choosing a theme affects the background color of the button, the value proposition, and the color of the images inside the button.


If the value proposition has not been specified, it will default to security_safety. Next, review all the possible texts for the content of the value proposition:

practicalityUse saved cards or your account balance
security_detailsProtection for your data
security_safety (default)Pay securely
smart_optionThe text will be chosen automatically by Wallet Brick to increase the chances of sale according to the characteristics of the purchase.
payment_methods_logos*The logos of the available payment methods will be displayed. To configure the payment methods, use the preference.

It is recommended to initialize with a preference using the Value Prop payment_methods_logos. If the preference has only one valid payment method, it will stop displaying images and will show the text: "With account money".
const settings = {
    customization: {
        theme: 'default',
        customStyle: {
            valueProp: 'practicality',

const customization = {
    theme: 'default',
    customStyle: {
        valueProp: 'practicality',