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Preference for multiple items - Preferences - Mercado Pago Developers

Preference for multiple items

If you need to create a preference for more than one item, you must add them as a list and their respective attributes.

To create a preference for multiple items, use one of the SDKs available below.

In addition to the SDKs, it is also possible to create a preference for various items from the preferences API. To do so, send a POST with all the information regarding the product/service to the endpoint /checkout/preferences and execute the request.
# Create a preference object
$preference = new MercadoPago\Preference();
# Create items in preference
$item1 = new MercadoPago\Item();
$item1->title = "Test Item 1";
$item1->quantity = 2;
$item1->unit_price = 11.96;

$item2= new MercadoPago\Item
$item2->title = "Test Item 2";
$item2->quantity = 1;
$item2->unit_price = 11.96;

$preference->items = array($item1,$item2);
# Save and post the preference

// Set your preference
var preference = {
items: [
{ title: 'My product',
quantity: 1,
currency_id: 'CLP',
unit_price: 75.56 },
	{ title: 'My Product 2',
quantity: 2,
currency_id: 'CLP',
unit_price: 96.56 }
// Create a payment button on your website
// This value will replace the string "$init_point$" in your HTML
global.init_point = preference.body.init_point;

// Create a preference object
PreferenceClient client = new PreferenceClient();
// Create items in preference
PreferenceClient client = new PreferenceClient();

List<PreferenceItemRequest> items = new ArrayList<>();

PreferenceItemRequest item1 =
.title("Product 1")
.unitPrice(new BigDecimal("100"))
PreferenceItemRequest item2 =
.title("Product 2")
.unitPrice(new BigDecimal("100"))


PreferenceRequest request = PreferenceRequest.builder().items(items).build();
// Save and post the preference

sdk = Mercadopago::SDK.new('ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN')
# Create preference data with items
preference_data = {
items: [
title: 'My product 1',
quantity: 1,
currency_id: 'CLP',
unit_price: 75.56
title: 'My Product 2',
quantity: 2,
currency_id: 'CLP',
unit_price: 96.56

preference_response = sdk.preference.create(preference_data)
preference = preference_response[:response]

# Create items in preference
preference_data = {
"items": [
"title": "My product",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 75.56
"title": "My product2",
"quantity": 2,
"unit_price": 96.56

# Create the preference
preference_response = sdk.preference().create(preference_data)
preference = preference_response["response"]

// Create the request with multiple items
var request = new PreferenceRequest
Items = new List<PreferenceItemRequest>
new PreferenceItemRequest
Title = "My Product 1",
quantity = 1,
CurrencyId = "CLP",
UnitPrice = 75.56m,
new PreferenceItemRequest
Title = "My Product 2",
quantity = 2,
CurrencyId = "CLP",
UnitPrice = 96.56m,
// ...

// Create a client object
var client = new PreferenceClient();

// Create the preference
Preference preference = await client.CreateAsync(request);

The total value of the preference will be the sum of the price value of each item listed.